An Emu

Emu’s don’t fly – but they can run!

Emilu is proud of her speedy running style. She likes to think that she can beat everyone in a race and spends all her days running everywhere at top speed. Sometimes Emily’s running obsession and pride can cause problems with her friends and neighbours.

No matter how you flap your wings - you never seem to fly.

It is a dream of Emilu’s to one day fly. Emilu is convinced that if she can run fast enough she will get enough wind under her to at last get off the ground. This desire to fly is what drives her to train every day to become faster at running.

Emilu likes to enter into races. Because she usually wins and Emilu loves winning. It distracts her from not being able to fly. I mean who ever heard of a bird that cannot fly? Emilu has a good friend called Mr Wigglesworth who is a long necked turtle with a good heart and a steady pace.

Emilu Power Chart

Learn about Emus

Eric from Australia Zoo with his keeper
The Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae)

An adult emu may reach two metres in height and can weigh up to 45kg, making them the tallest bird inhabiting Australia. They are outweighed by only one other bird in Australia- their relative, the cassowary. The feathers of an emu are double shafted, giving the birds a loose, shaggy look. Emus are brown in colour, although the intensity of this colour varies according to the season of year, changes in surroundings and the behavior of nearby birds.

Although they have feathers, they cannot fly because their wings are too small. Also due to the structure of the feathers they are no longer capable of creating lift. This open structure serves the sole purpose of insulating against the elements. Emus have three toes, the underside of these toes is flattened with a small pad, to aid traction over rough terrain.

Diet: Emus feed mainly on grass, flowers, seeds, fruits and insects. Emus also consume stones which aid in the digestion process.

Breeding:  Emus are sexually mature at around two years of age. Breeding season will usually occur between April and November. Normally emus are silent, but during breeding season, the female will make a deep, booming noise. Emus will lay a clutch of 6-11 eggs which are dark grey-green in colour and are about 13.5cm in length and 9cm wide.

It is up to the male to take care of the eggs during the 60 day incubation period and he is the sole parent for up to two years after the eggs hatch. After laying her eggs the female will find another wandering group and usually another mate with which she will lay another clutch of eggs. Female emus can lay several clutches of eggs to numerous males in one breeding season.

For more information please visit: Australia Zoo